It was such a pleasure to narrate LUCY UNCENSORED by Mel Hammond and Teghan Hammond. It made me laugh out loud several times while recording, and its sweet, threatre-nerd protagonists won my heart.
I love “coming of age while Trans” stories because the earnestness, excitement, and enthusiasm of the characters as they navigate growing out of childhood into young adulthood offer so many relatable, emotionally rich opportunities to explore issues that affect Trans folks of all ages and stages of transition.
Many thanks to Denise Lee & Lauren Klein at PRH Audio, director Christina Rooney, The Invisible Studios and engineer Sharon Kearney for working with me on this title! I had such a fantastic time working with you all! (As usual! 😅)
🖤🤎❤🧡💛💚💙💜 { progress rainbow heart emojis }